Spaces for Change.S4C is getting set to commence an independent verification of job creation statistics of the Nigerian government. This independent verification exercise is propelled by the March 18, 2014 request to inspect or obtain copies and public records of the official statistics regarding the number of jobs created in Nigeria between 2011 – 2013, made pursuant to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Through that FOI request, S4C is seeking an opportunity to examine copies of the enabling policies, executed and ongoing projects for bolstering job creation and youth employment so as to independently verify the methodology employed in generating the statistical data of jobs created within the specified timeframe.
Responding to the request, Mr. Esiri Ojo, the Technical Adviser to the Statistician General of the Federation, Dr. Yemi Kale has undertaken to provide details of the methodology and design of quarterly job creation survey carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). This response followed official communication from the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Office of the Chief Economic Adviser to the President redirecting the FOI request to the NBS.
Ahead of the verification exercise, S4C has had prior engagement with federal and state ministries, particularly the ministry of agriculture and rural development examining the:
(1) The historical trajectory of the reforms in the agricultural sector;
(2) Procedure for needs identification, prioritization, planning and the implementation of agro-projects and intervention
(3) Institutionalization of reform processes, including the adequacy and functionality of sustainability mechanisms
(4) Strategy for public engagement, communication and multi-sectoral coordination
(5) Job creation specifics: quality, quantity, viability and sustainability.