The story proves that our people have lost the fear of God simply because the mill of God grinds slowly. However, it grinds surely. Our people fear the wrath of idols more than the wrath of God. God is ever patient, always waiting for the sinner to come to repentance, and that seems to many of our people, as though, an act of evil will not be recompensed. Yes it will!
Where are those who looted Nigeria in the 70s? Where are their children today? In the same vein, many of today’s looters are setting up poverty and long seasons of lack and arid deprivation for their generations to come. That is the mill of God grinding, slowly, but surely.
I will not subscribe to the application of idolatrous oath-taking as a measure to curb corruption. Men who do not fear God will ultimately defy idols as well out of their greed. For all the Okija oath between Ngige and his godfather, we know how it all ended in a fiasco as the agreement could not be sustained. Political godfatherism, with all its oath-taking has continually been defied by men. Ladoja/Adedibu is another example. The reason is simple: voodoo is strange and its powers have a way of appeasing each other. For instance, somebody that has taken a voodoo oath can escape judgment from that oath if he turns back on it, provided he knows the right countering voodoo to do. It might have to take a sacrifice of human lives; it might even take the life of the person’s most beloved child. But they can always go back on their oaths.
Let our people arise and hold our leaders accountable instead of abdicating our responsibilities for idols. Let us do it ourselves. Let our people hold our leaders accountable. Let our people stop leading dance troops and protest marches in support of corruption and indictments. Let our people stop celebrating wealth that has no traceable root. No idol can do that for us. But if we truly embrace the fear of God we can do it by ourselves. Afterall, we ourselves are gods.
Great and enduring nations were built by a disciplined people, with disciplined thoughts and disciplined actions. We all must abhor corruption even if it is perpetrated by our tribesmen. We must allow the law to take its full course, we must push our congressmen to pass laws that are stiffer on corruption and ensure right judgments are passed. We must make life miserable for looters and those who help them sustain their loot, be them lawyers or judges.
The fight against corruption in Nigeria can only be fought and won by our collective steel-resolve, and not by a descent into darkness and idolatry.
Well written. Couldn’t agree more. Personally I think the solution to corruption is a adopting drastic combat measures. If a man knows that dipping his hand in the national purse could send him to the firing squad, he’d think twice.
Maybe a swearing of real oaths in the African way or Moses way: a pronouncement if curses and blessings by the would-be office holder, would go a long way in putting out people in line.