SPACES FOR CHANGE [S4C) took part in the Global NPO Coalition’s meeting with the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) Secretariat including with Marcus Pleyer, the incoming German President of the FATF. S4C and other organizations turned a spotlight on areas in which the COVID-19 emergency responses are curtailing the work of NPOs, especially those working with under served communities or active on humanitarian relief, which have the potential to roll back some of the real gains made on engagement with governments around the application of a risk-based approach in national anti-money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism (CFT) measures.
The meeting held on June 2, 2020, also discussed the ongoing FATF Strategic Review, the priorities under the new Presidency, risk assessments of the NPO sector, the EU AML action plan, and bank derisking (including the impact of AML/CFT regulations on COVID-19 relief work). The notes from the meeting are here.